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August 21, 2018 Meeting Agenda 

Highlands Soil and Water Conservation District
4505 George Blvd.
Sebring, FL 33875-5837
Board of Supervisors

Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, August 21, 2018 – 3:00 P.M.
Bert Harris Center – Conf. Room 3

I. Call To Order, Welcome & Introductions

II. Approval of Agenda  

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes 
a. Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes – June 19, 2018

IV. Financial Activity
a. Overview & Approval of Financial Reports –June & July 2018 –  Bishop
b. FY 2018-19 General Fund Budget – S. Bishop

V. Agency Partner Updates
a. NRCS – C. Torres
b. FDACS – K. Nickerson/S. Bishop
c. MIL – S. Bishop & J. Miller
d. Extension – L. Hurner
e. HCBCC – J. Brooks

VI. Old Business
a. Strategic Work Plan – S. Bishop
b. AFCD – Annual Meeting – S. Kirouac

VII. New Business
a. Citrus Growers’ Workshop – S. Bishop & L. Hurner
b. General Fund – Non-Operating Expenses – S. Kirouac & S. Bishop

VIII. Executive Director’s Report

IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda

X. Supervisor Comments


Next Board Meeting  –   Tuesday, September 18, 2018

August 21, 2018 Minutes 

Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 8/21/2018

Meeting Location:  Bert Harris Agricultural Center – Room 3
Sebring, FL
Recorded by: Susie Bishop

Scott KirouacChairmanHighlands Soil & WaterY
Dr. John CauseyVice-ChairmanConservation DistrictY
Doug DeenSecretary/TreasurerConservation DistrictY
Pamela FentressSupervisorConservation DistrictY
Steve SmithSupervisorConservation DistrictY
Commissioner Jim BrooksLiaison Highlands Co. Board of County CommissionersN
Susie BishopExecutive DirectorHighlands Soil & Water Y
Jacob MillerMIL ManagerHighlands Soil & WaterN
Dakota McCullersBMP TechHighlands Soil & WaterN
Earl ThomasBMP TechHighlands Soil & WaterN
Carlos TorresDistrict Cons.USDA-NRCSY
CyeriaSoil Cons.USDA-NRCSY
Laurie HurnerExtension CEDHighlands Co. ExtensionN

Meeting Scheduled Start:   3:00 P.m.     Call to Order: @ 3:03 P.M.  
Public Meeting Announcement Read by Chairman

I. Welcome & Introductions

II. Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve agenda as presented (Causey/Deen). Unanimous Approval.

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes – June 19, 2018 – Motion made to approve minutes as presented (Fentress/Causey).  Unanimous Approval.

IV. Financial Activity
a. June & July 2018 – Bishop presented the bank reconciliations and financial reports for June & July 2018.  Motion made to approve the bank reconciliations and financial reports as presented, (Causey/Fentress).   Unanimous approval.
b. FY 2018-19 General Fund Budget – Bishop requested Supervisors begin preparing for discussion and adoption of the 2018-19 General Fund Budget next month.

V. Partner Agencies
a. NRCS – C. Torres stated the interest is high for applications in the FY 2019. A deadline has not been officially announced but he anticipates it will be on or around Oct. 31 and maybe as far out as Nov. 15.  Highlands County has a total of $1.2 million for 22 applications to date. Torres is spending most of his time assisting FSA with hurricane recovery efforts and covering for the Lee Co. NRCS office. Torres requested to organize the local working group meeting with HSWCD, to be held prior to Oct. 15. He will ask when the Technical Committee meeting is scheduled so Bishop can attend and present the areas of concern identified by the local working group. In two previous years Bishop was only presenter and all concerns were accepted and implemented.
b. FDACS – K. Nickerson – Due to absence of Nickerson, Bishop gave an update on contracts and current work of staff.  She also announced the placement of Clegg Hooks as the Deputy Director of FDACS-OAWP.
c. MIL – S. Bishop & J. Miller – Due to absence of Miller, Bishop explained a new MIL tracking system Miller has developed and shared a copy for the Board’s review. Miller will meet his contract deliverables for this quarter.
d. Extension – L. Hurner – No Report.  Kirouac did announce a strategic work plan meeting for Extension being held on Friday, Aug. 24 and encouraged Supervisors to attend.
e. HCBCC – J. Brooks – No Report

V. Old Business
a. Strategic Work Plan – Bishop reported she is expecting the report from Dr. Carter soon so the new work plan can be developed alongside the new budget.
b. AFCD – Annual Meeting – Kirouac & Bishop reviewed the agenda, giving details on a few of the items.   Bishop will attend all three days and Kirouac hopes to attend one to two days.

VI. New Business
a. Citrus Growers’ Workshop – Bishop reviewed the flyer for an upcoming Citrus Growers’ Workshop scheduled for Sept. 25 & 26.   A request from UF/IFAS Extension to HSWCD for a sponsorship of the lunch.  Motion made to sponsor lunch up to $1000.00. (Fentress/Deen)  Unanimous Approval.
b. General Fund – Non-Operating Expenses – Kirouac and Bishop discussed with the Board the variety of contributions/sponsorships HSWCD supports with its General Fund. Bishop will inquire with HCBCC regarding the CFI applications they have submitted with SWFWMD and the local matches they will need to determine if there is a project HSWCD could contribute to. Other contributions and parameters will be discussed in depth with general counsel of FDACS by Bishop. She will report back all of her findings.

VII. Executive Director’s Report
 Bishop shared the success of the Worker’s Comp. Appeal. It was successful and reduced the premium by a large amount. Bishop explained some re-organization within the office in regards to placement of staff work areas. The changes were extremely beneficial for the daily operations of the District.
 There will be a garden work day on Sept. 7 with prison trustees coming to assist with the tilling. Bishop explained a decision will need to be made regarding the continuance of the youth speech contest and other General Fund Budget items. Supervisors were asked to review these items prior to the September meeting.

IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda

X. Supervisor Comments
Fentress – Concerns regarding the functions of the FSA offices and the WHIP program were shared.
D. Deen – No Comment
S. Smith – No Comment
J. Causey – No Comment
S. Kirouac – No Comment

Meeting Adjourned at 4:31 p.m.   

Post Meeting Action Items

ActionAssigned ToDeadline
Discuss contribution/sponsorship parameters with FDACS CounselS. BishopAugust 25, 2018
Manage Community Garden Work DayS. BishopSeptember 7, 2018
Prepare draft of FY 2018-19 General Fund BudgetS. BishopSeptember 15, 2018
Organize and develop Long Range & Short Range Work PlansS. Bishop & H. CarterSeptember 15, 2018
Complete FY 2017-18 General Fund Budget AmendmentsS. BishopOctober 16, 2018
Meet with County regarding SWFWMD-CFI ProjectS. BishopSeptember 15, 2018
Provide Sponsorship for Citrus WorkshopS. Bishop & L. HurnerSeptember 25, 2018
Organize and Facilitate the Local Working Group MeetingS. Bishop & C. TorresOctober 15, 2018
Complete FY 2017-18 General Fund Budget AmendmentsS. BishopOctober 16, 2018
Continuance of managing of FDACS Contracts/StaffS. BishopOngoing