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September 18, 2018 Meeting Agenda 

Highlands Soil and Water Conservation District
4505 George Blvd.
Sebring, FL 33875-5837
Board of Supervisors

Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 – 3:00 P.M.
Bert Harris Center – Conf. Room 3

I. Call To Order, Welcome & Introductions

II. Approval of Agenda   

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes – August 21, 2018

IV. Financial Activity
a. Overview & Approval of Financial Reports – August 2018 –  Bishop
b. FY 2018-19 General Fund Budget Adoption – S. Bishop

V. Agency Partner Updates
a. NRCS – C. Torres
b. FDACS – K. Nickerson/S. Bishop
c. MIL – J. Miller
d. Extension – L. Hurner
e. HCBCC – J. Brooks

VI. Old Business
a. AFCD – Annual Meeting/ Award – S. Bishop

VII. New Business
a. LPMS Community Garden – P. Fentress
b. New Supervisor Handbook – S. Bishop
c. Acronyms Guide – S. Bishop
d. Community Garden – S. Bishop
e. Executive Director Annual Evaluation – S. Kirouac

VIII. Executive Director’s Report

IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda

X. Supervisor Comments

Next Board Meeting  –   Tuesday, October 16, 2018 – 3:00 p.m.

September 18, 2018 Minutes 

Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 9/18/2018

Meeting Location:  Bert Harris Agricultural Center – Room 3
Sebring, FL
FINAL – Approved 10-16-2018
Recorded by: Susie Bishop

Scott KirouacChairmanHighlands Soil & WaterY
Dr. John CauseyVice-ChairmanHighlands Soil & WaterN
Doug DeenSecretary/TreasurerHighlands Soil & WaterY
Pamela FentressSupervisorHighlands Soil & WaterY
Steve SmithSupervisorHighlands Soil & WaterY
Commissioner Jim BrooksLiaison Highlands Co. Board of County CommissionersY
Susie BishopExecutive DirectorHighlands Soil & Water Y
Jacob MillerMIL ManagerHighlands Soil & WaterY
Dakota McCullersBMP TechHighlands Soil & WaterN
Earl ThomasBMP TechHighlands Soil & WaterN
Carlos TorresDistrict Cons.USDA-NRCSY
Sierra AyersSoil Cons.USDA-NRCSN
Laurie HurnerExtension CEDHighlands Co. ExtensionY
Doug ColemanCitizenY
Rosalind RoweBiologistFlorida Park ServiceY

Meeting Scheduled Start:   3:00 P.m.     Call to Order: @ 3:05 P.M.
Public Meeting Announcement Read by Chairman

I. Welcome & Introductions

II. Approval of Agenda:
a.Changes to the agenda requested to add a presentation from the Florida Park Service before agenda Item III and to move agenda IV.b to VII.a.1. Motion to approve agenda as presented with changes. (Fentress/Smith). Unanimous Approval.
Presentation – Florida Park Service: Rosalind Rowe presented an application to SWFWMD for a Cooperative Funding Initiative with an ask for funds from HSWCD for the local match. The total would be $105,000.00 over three years for a study of water movement at Highlands Hammock State Park & Little Charlie Bowlegs Creek. Following discussion Board advised Ms. Rowe to seek funding from Hardee & Highlands Counties as a REDI project and return to HSWCD for a smaller required match.

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes:
a. Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes – August 21, 2018 – Motion made to approve minutes as presented (Fentress/Deen). Unanimous Approval.

IV. Financial Activity
a. August 2018 – Bishop presented the bank reconciliations and financial reports for August 2018. Motion made to approve the bank reconciliations and financial reports as presented, (Smith/Deen). Unanimous approval.

V. Partner Agencies
a. NRCS – C. Torres reported three EWP projects with the County were approved and work will be completed in 220 days. All cost share contracts for this fiscal year have been completed. Applications for next fiscal year will be accepted until Oct. 31, 2018.
b. FDACS – K. Nickerson  reported 67 CRISP projects were approved with a few already completed.  The projects total 4,400 acres of citrus to be replanted. There is a new process for cost share BMP projects with a few more steps for approval.  The Implementation Verification work is continuing.  Rules for the   DEP- BMAP area have been completed, giving DEP authority to enforce the BMAP requirements so FDACS is doing outreach to assist farmers to get enrolled in the BMP program so they are in a presumption of compliance with DEP.
c. MIL – J. Miller –  Miller updated board of work completed with the MIL.  The lab is up to date on required deliverables.  An effort of FDACS is for more training of the MIL Staff.   Miller will complete training in overhead and seepage irrigation systems.
d. Extension – L. Hurner – Updates on Citrus, 4-H, Livestock and Horticulture programs were presented.  Appreciation for sponsorship of lunch for the upcoming Citrus Grower Workshops was expressed by Hurner to the Board. A WPS training will be held in December.
e. HCBCC – J. Brooks – Commissioner Brooks gave updates on County budget, parkway work and board leadership.

V. Old Business
a. AFCD – Annual Meeting – Bishop presented the Outstanding District award to the Board and shared information gained at the Annual Meeting.

VI. New Business
a. FY 2018-19 General Fund Budget – Bishop presented a proposed budget for the 2018-19 year giving explanations and information about certain line items. Discussion regarding special projects resulted in funds being designated to various special projects. Motion made to approve the 2018-19 General Fund Budget with a total of $ 22,300.00 being added to Non Operating Expenses (Fentress/Deen) Unanimous Approval.
b. LPMS Community Garden – Fentress presented a request for funding to establish a garden for students as a school club project.  Kirouac committed to donations of soil and irrigation supplies via Hillary Peat and FNGLA respectively.  Motion made to contribute up to $500.00 to LPMS Garden (Smith/Deen).  Unanimous Approval.
c. New Supervisor Handbook – New Handbooks were distributed to the Board.
d. Acronyms Guide – Bishop distributed extensive acronyms lists to the Board.
e. Community Garden – Bishop reported the success of a recent work day. Gardeners will be planting their Fall gardens and there are seven vacant plots.
f. Executive Director Annual Evaluation – Kirouac distributed evaluation forms and asked Board members to return them prior to the October meeting. Bishop will distribute employment package history and contract totals to the Board prior to the October Board meeting.

VII. Executive Director’s Report
Bishop distributed Food Safety Modernization Act to the Board for reference and information purposes.  Bishop shared news regarding Ph levels in Lake Okeechobee, SWFWMD – CFIs applications County has submitted for 2020 and upcoming Ag-Venture dates.

IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda

X. Supervisor Comments
Fentress –  No Comment
D. Deen –   No Comment
S. Smith – No Comment
S. Kirouac – Expressed concern regarding some of the staff’s appearance and actions needing to be addressed.  Bishop will address the concern immediately.  

Meeting Adjourned at 5:54 p.m.   

Post Meeting Action Items

ActionAssigned ToDeadline
Address Staff Concerns on behalf of BOSS. BishopSeptember 19, 2018
Make payment to LPMS for Garden ProjectS. Bishop & P. FentressSeptember 20, 2018
Complete FY 2017-18 General Fund Budget AmendmentsS. BishopOctober 16, 2018
Organize and Facilitate the Local Working Group MeetingS. Bishop & C. TorresOctober 15, 2018
Organize and develop Long Range & Short Range Work PlansS. Bishop & H. CarterOctober 16, 2018
Prepare & Distribute Employment History of Ex. Director & Contracts with FDACS-OAWPS. BishopOctober 16, 2018
Continuance of managing of FDACS Contracts/StaffS. BishopOngoing