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August 25, 2020 Meeting Agenda 

Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 – 3:00 p.m.
HSWCD Conference Room OR Go To Meeting

I. Call To Order, Welcome & Introductions

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes – July 21, 2020

IV. Financial Activity
a. Overview & Approval of Financial Reports – July 2020– S. Bishop
b. Review of budget amendments – S. Bishop

V. Agency Partner Updates
a. NRCS – C. Torres
1. Civil Rights Policy
b. FDACS & MIL – S. Bishop
c. Extension –
d. HCBCC – J. Brooks
e. CFRPC – C. Allison

VI. Old Business
a. Scholarships at SFSC – S. Bishop

VII. New Business
a. Anticipated Supervisor Seat Vacancy – S. Kirouac & S. Bishop

VIII. Executive Director’s Report

IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda

X. Supervisor Comments

Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, September 15, 2020– 3:00 p.m.

** Citizens Not on the Agenda requesting to speak will be limited to 3 minutes unless additional time is allotted by the Chairman. The Chairman reserves the right to remove anyone from the meeting who is unruly or displays disruptive behavior.

August 25, 2020 Minutes 

MEETING DATE: 8/25/2020

Meeting Location: HSWCD Conf. Room & GoTo Meeting
FINAL – Approved 9/15/2020
Recorded by: Susie Bishop

I. Welcome & Introductions
Scott Kirouac Chairman Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
John Causey Vice-Chair. Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Doug Deen Sec./Treas. Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Steve Smith Supervisor Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Pam Fentress Supervisor Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Susie Bishop Ex. Director Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Kayla Nickerson BMP Tech Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Carlos Torres Conserv. USDA-NRCS

II. Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve agenda as presented (Fentress/Smith) Unanimous approval.

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes – July 21, 2020
a. Motion to approve minutes as presented. (Fentress/Deen). Unanimous approval.
IV. Financial Activity
a. Overview & Approval of Financial Reports – July 2020 – Bishop reviewed the bank statements and financial reports. Questions were answer and motion made to approve financial reports as presented (Smith/Causey). Unanimous approval.
b. Review of budget amendments – S. Bishop presented a draft of budget amendments to date. The amendments will be adjusted at year end and brought back for approval.

V. Agency Partner Updates
a. NRCS – C. Torres presented the Civil Rights Policy for USDA-NRCS. The
department is working to close the fiscal year but still under COVID restrictions.
b. FDACS – K. Nickerson & S. Bishop gave an update as to the focus of the OAWP in the BMAP region and the new IV process that has been implemented. Any producer wishing to apply for a cost share project must have a completed IV prior to application. The staff is stretched very thin with a heavy work load. Advertisements are posted for new field staff positions with FDACS-OAWP. Kayla is still serving in a training capacity while trying to complete enrollments and IVs. the same level as last year, but application period has not opened up yet. There are 6 licensed HEMP growers in the Highlands County area, so those properties will be contacted soon for BMP enrollment too.
c. MIL – Bishop reported the MIL Technician that was hired to start on August 24 was a no show. The position is being re-advertised.
d. Extension – No Report
e. HCBCC – No Report
f. CFRPC – No Report

VI. Old Business
a. Scholarships at SFSC – Bishop shared the refund was received and a letter from SFSC was in the meeting packet.

VII. New Business
a. Anticipated Supervisor Seat Vacancy – Bishop explained the procedure to replace Supervisor Kirouac if he wins in the General Election to be a County Commissioner. S. Smith shared he had asked T.J. Wohl if he would be interested in completing Kirouac’s term, (2 years), and stated Wohl is very interested in serving. P. Fentress shared her nephew, Jarrod Eddy, is also interested in serving. Since Kirouac’s official resignation isn’t effective until November 17 the consensus was to take nominations at the November 17 Board meeting. The Oath of Offices will be conducted at the January 5, 2021 Board meeting per election rules and Supervisor’s Handbook. Following the Oaths in January, Board officers will be elected. The January 5 Board meeting will serve as the monthly Board meeting too.

VIII. Executive Director’s Report
a. Bishop shared the success of the Community Garden work day held on Au. 14. Some repairs and clean up was needed and completed.
b. Since there are so many new County Commissioners who will need to be
educated about HSWCD Bishop will participate in the orientation being
planned for all the new Commissioners.

XI. Supervisor Comments
Fentress – Asked about the Board considering contributing to an HSA account for the employees as an added income since FDACS isn’t approving Merit or COLA increases. Bishop will investigate the idea and report back to the board. Because the AFCD Annual Meeting was cancelled due to COVID Fentress said new Board representatives were not elected. She shared she feels she has served her term and does not plan to continue participating in the conference call meetings. All supported her decision. Having expressed a decision to not serve as an officer on the Board, Fentress asked fellow Supervisors who would be willing to serve as Chairman after Kirouac’s resignation becomes effective. Smith asked Dr. Causey if he would be interested and he replied he would. Smith said he would serve as Vice- Chairman and Deen agreed to remain Secretary/Treasurer. Official elections will take place in January 2021.
Deen – None
Causey – None
Smith – None
Kirouac – None

Meeting Adjourned 4:43 P.M.