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August 17, 2021 Meeting Agenda 

Highlands Soil and Water Conservation District 
4505 George Blvd.
Sebring, FL 33875-5837
Board of Supervisors

Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 – 3:00 p.m.
HSWCD Conference Room- Bert Harris Agriculture Center

I. Call To Order, Welcome & Introductions

II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes – June 15, 2021

IV. Financial Activity
a. Overview & Approval of Financial Reports – June & July 2021– S. Bishop

V. Agency Partner Updates
a. FDACS & MIL – K. Nickerson & S. Bishop
b. NRCS – C. Torres
c. HCBCC – Scott Kirouac

VI. Old Business
a. Gilchrist SWCD Technician – S. Bishop
b. First Southern Bank CD – S. Bishop

VII. New Business
a. New Email Server – S. Bishop
b. Warner Scholarship Amount – S. Bishop

VIII. Executive Director’s Report

IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda

X. Supervisor Comments

Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, September 21, 2021– 3:00 p.m.

** Citizens Not on the Agenda requesting to speak will be limited to 3 minutes unless additional time is allotted by the Chairman. The Chairman reserves the right to remove anyone from the meeting who is unruly or displays disruptive behavior.

August 17, 2021 Minutes 

MEETING DATE: 08/17/2021

Meeting Location: HSWCD Conf. Room – Bert Harris Center
FINAL – Approved 9/21/2021
Recorded by: Susie Bishop


I. Welcome & Introductions
John Causey Chairman Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Doug Deen Secretary/Trea.Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Pam Fentress Supervisor Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
T.J. Wohl Supervisor Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Scott Kirouac Commissioner Highlands Co. Bd. Of Co. Commissioners
Susie Bishop Ex. Director Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Jacob Miller MIL Manager Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Kaylub Lindsay MIL Tech Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Kasey Martin BMP Tech Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District
Kayla Nickerson BMP Tech Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District

II. Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve Agenda as presented. (Fentress/Wohl). Unanimous approval.

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes June 15, 2021
a. Motion to approve minutes as presented. (Smith/Deen). Unanimous approval.

IV. Financial Activity
a. Overview & Approval of Financial Reports- June & July 2021 – Bishop reviewed the financial reports answering questions regarding bank transactions and on the profit & loss report. Motion made to approve financial reports as presented (Wohl/Smith) Unanimous approval. The fiscal year 2020-2021 General Fund Budget amendments will be presented at the September Board meeting and the fiscal year 2021-2022 General Fund Budget will be presented for consideration of adoption.

V. Agency Partner Updates
a. FDACS & MIL – Bishop & Nickerson reported FDACS updates. In regards to recent press conferences conducted by Commissioner Fried, status of BMP verification visits and cost share funding was shared. Discussion of all issues. MIL Manager Miller introduced new MIL Technician Kaylub Lindsay. Recent changes in the leadership of the MIL program statewide was explained to Board.
b. NRCS – No Report
c. HCBCC – Commissioner Kirouac updated the Board on the financial conditions of the County, which is in a great position currently. Additionally he shared the County was awarded a $ 1.75 million grant to address various drainage issues in the county. The Waste Management contract has been renegotiated with curb side recycling program being removed. Three drop off recycling sites will be established.

VI Old Business
a. Gilchrist SWCD Technician – Bishop reported this technician will remain under the Gilchrist SWCD.
b. First Southern Bank CD – Bishop reviewed CD statements on CDs at First Southern Bank and Heartland National Bank with no action needed, informational only.

VII New Business
a. New Email Server – All Supervisors were set up with new E-mail today per requirement to change email provider due to security and ADA compliant issues.
b. Warner Scholarship Amount – Per request from Warner University for renewal of HSWCD Scholarship of $3,000.00 a discussion took place. Consensus was to provide the HSWCD Scholarship at the same amount with the same parameters. Supervisors suggested if the college wants a higher level to come and present their ask. Board would also appreciate hearing from the scholarship recipient.

VIII. Executive Director’s Report
-The County Natural Resource Dept. has assumed the Water Conservation station at Highlands County Ag-Venture. There has been a request to replace the Enviroscape Model. The old model will also be used to teach “damaged” water lesson. Motion made for HSWCD to purchase the new model and give ownership of both models to Ag-Venture to maintain and store (Deen/Wohl). Unanimous approval. Ag-Venture dates are Nov. 16, 17 & 18. There will not be a Steak Dinner night, this traditional event will be changed to an opportunity for students who missed Ag-Venture last due to Covid to attend.
-A garden clean-up work-day was held in July with inmates assistance and a complete re-vamping of the garden being successfully completed. Another work-day will be held on September 15 to have plots tilled again for Fall planting.
-Kasey Martin shared her recent experience attending the Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Conference, thanking Board for their sponsorship of her attendance.
-Bishop shared information regarding the upcoming AFCD Annual Meeting being held Sept. 8-10 in Daytona. She plans to attend and invited any Supervisors to attend with her.
-The Southeast Region of the SWCD Employees meeting will be held in Pigeon Forge November 9-10, 2021. Bishop is considering attending.
-The National Assoc. of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting will be hosted in Orlando Florida Feb. 12-16, 2022. All SWCD in Florida will be assisting with this nation-wide conference.
-Bishop shared the County Budget has committed $10,225.00 to HSWCD for the employer costs of Bishop’s health insurance and Florida Retirement System.

IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda – None

X. Supervisor Comments
Deen – None
Fentress – Concerns about the Commissioner’s comments at recent press conferences were expressed along with several other water initiatives in the state and country. Discussion regarding these took place with no action needed.
Smith – None
Wohl – None
Causey – None

Meeting Adjourned at 5:05 p.m.