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Board Meeting

April 16, 2024 Meeting Agenda 

Highlands Soil and Water Conservation District
4505 George Blvd. Sebring, FL 33875-5837
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 – 3:00 p.m.
Conference Room 3 - Bert Harris Agriculture Center


I. Call To Order, Welcome & Introductions – Chairman Causey

II. Approval of Agenda – Chairman Causey

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a.Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2024

IV. Financial Activity
a. Presentation – CD Account Interpretation – Tim Baker, Financial Advisor
b. Overview & Approval of Financial Reports - March 2024 – S. Bishop


V. Agency Partner Updates
b. MIL

VI. Old Business
a. OPPAGA Update – S. Bishop
b. Extension Partnership Update – Soil/Water Testing – S. Bishop
c. AFCD Area 4 Annual Meeting & Ethics Training – S. Bishop
d. Landowner Expo, June 11, 2024 – Agenda/Meal Options – S. Bishop
e. NACD SE Regional Meeting – June 16-19, 2024 – Gainesville – S. Bishop


VII. New Business

VIII. Executive Director’s Report

IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda

X. Supervisor Comments

Next Board Meeting:
Board Meeting – Tuesday, May 21, 2024 – 3:00 p.m.

Citizens Not on the Agenda requesting to speak will be limited to 3 minutes unless additional time is allotted by the Chairman. The Chairman reserves the right to remove anyone from the meeting who is unruly or displays disruptive behavior.

April 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes 

Highlands Soil & Water Conservation District - Board of Supervisors

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date:  04/16/2024

Meeting Location:   Conf. Room 3 – Bert Harris Center

FINAL – Approved 5/21/2024

Recorded by:  Susie Bishop


Meeting Scheduled Start: 3:00 P.M. Call to Order: @ 3:00 P.M.

Public Meeting Announcement Read by Chairman


I. Welcome & Introductions

Dr. John Causey, HSWCD, Chairman

Steve Smith, HSWCD, Vice Chair

Doug Deen, HSWCD, Secretary/Treasurer

Sara Sebring, HSWCD, Supervisor

T.J. Wohl, HSWCD, Supervisor

Scott Kirouac, HCBOCC, Liason

Susie Bishop, HSWCD, Executive Director

Kayla Nickerson, HSWCD, BMP Technician

Lauren Ahrens, HSWCD, BMP Technician

Carlos Torres, USDA-NRCS, District Consevationist

Kati Lawson, Highlands Co. Extension, Extension Director

Tim Baker, Equitable Financial, Financial Advisor


II. Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve as presented (Wohl/Sebring).   Unanimous Approval.


III. Approval of Meeting Minutes- March 19, 2024 - Motion made to approve the minutes as presented (Smith/Sebring). Unanimous Approval.


IV. Financial Activity

a. Presentation- CD Account Interpretation – Tim Baker:  Baker reviewed the most recent CD Statement and shared insight into the different CDs invested with his organization.   He does not receive any compensation for working with us because we only invest in CDs.  Motion made to present a $200 gift card to The Watering Hole as appreciation for the work he does for the District with no earnings (Wohl/Smith).

Unanimous Approval.

b. Overview & Approval of Financial Reports- March 2024: Review of bank statements & financial reports. Motion to approve the financial reports as presented (Smith/Wohl). Unanimous Approval.


V. Agency Partner Updates

a. FDACS – Bishop reported on the interpretation of the final date payments can be issued to producers in the fiscal year by the new OAWP Leadership.  Now the Districts must have all payments issued to producers by June 30. In past staff had until July to submit RFRs for payments through July.   There are a very few of staff with OAWP with historical knowledge making for several new procedures and practices.   No Action

b. MIL – Bishop reported they are ahead of schedule.  She asked the Board to support a request for an extension to review and respond to the most recent version of the SOW until the May 7 ICC meeting.  Board consensus to support the request. Bishop shared anticipated numbers of new contracts for FY 2024-2025. 

c. NRCS –    Torres reported he is still accepting applications and anticipates more following today’s Local Working Group meeting.  He hopes to fill the vacant Soil Conservation position soon.  No Action

d. HCBCC – Kirouac reported on the IMWID project as having no action and no changes. No Action


VI. Old Business

a. OPPAGA – Bishop presented an update on the Audit.  Mike Carter was able to resolve the questions presented to us by the auditor. No Action.

b. Extension Partnership Update – Soil/Water Testing – K. Lawson:   Lawson distributed a report with numbers to date, the new logo for the program and her marketing plan.  No Action.

c. AFCD Area 4 Annual Meeting/Ethics Training – Bishop shared the Agenda is primarily the Ethics Training.  Dr. Causey will be attending and completing his training at the meeting.  All other Supervisors will complete on FASD Website   and have been registered and paid by the District.    No Action.

d. Landowner Expo, June 11, 2024 – Bishop briefly reviewed the Draft Agenda that includes a lot of entities who can provide assistance to landowners. Menu options for the lunch HSWCD sponsors were discussed.  Motion made to order the same menu as last year (Sebring/Wohl).  Unanimous Approval. 

e. NACD SE Regional Meeting – June 16-19, 2024 – Agenda for the meeting was reviewed.  Bishop, Nickerson & Ahrens will be attending this meeting in Gainesville.  No Action.


VII. New Business



VIII. Executive Director’s Report - Items presented:

- Avon Park Mitigation Inspection has been completed and the report will be submitted soon. Nickerson and Bishop have been trying to get answers from US Fish & Wildlife about what happens with the ending of agreement with the City of Avon Park.  Bishop will share documents with Supervisor Wohl for his review.   

- Bishop thanked all who participated in the Local Working Group meeting today.  She will be presenting the top resource concerns to the NRCS State Technical Committee in Gainesville in June.

- The newly created position of Administrative Specialist with HSWCD job description has been written. Bishop will review with the Board at the May meeting and provide an anticipated timeline for filling the position. It only needs to be offered internally if there is someone on staff currently interested in the position. 

- Bishop, Nickerson & Ahrens will attend the Mid-Year SWCD Employee Assoc, meeting in Gainesville next week.


IX. Citizens Not on the Agenda – None


X. Supervisor Comments

Smith –    Suggested something be done for the employees in appreciation for their continued exemplary performance.  Consensus was to purchase each of them $100.00 gift Card to The Watering Hole.

Deen – None

Sebring –None           

Wohl – None

Causey – None


Meeting Adjourned at 4:34 p.m.



_________________________________                  ________________________________

John Causey, Chairman                                           Doug Deen, Secretary  





Action, Assigned To, Deadline


Purchase and award employee appreciation gifts, S. Bishop, April 17, 2024


Complete Report for Avon Park Mitigation Inspection, S. Bishop, May 5, 2024


Monitor OPPAGA, S. Bishop, July 2024


Purchase and Deliver Gift Card to Tim Baker, S. Bishop, April 19, 2024


Prepare Succession Plan and Filling of new position, S. Bishop, May 21, 2024


Organize Speech and Poster Contest for Area 4 Meeting, S. Bishop & K. Nickerson, May 23, 2024


Organization for Landowner Assistance Expo, S. Bishop & K. Nickerson, June 11, 2024


Monitor and Manage SOW and SOP for the MIL Contract & Project Manager Concerns, S. Bishop & C. Harmon, May 7, 2024


Manage DEP Stolen Saddle Ranch ContractS. BishopOngoing